Hospice business
Hospice business

CUC Hospice operates a hospice specializing in care for people in the terminal stages of cancer or with intractable diseases, as well as a home nursing and care business (business brand “ReHOPE”). With the mission of Supporting People to Live Positively, we provide both physical and mental support so that residents and their families can lead a positive medical treatment life.

Operating Hospices
CUC Hospice operates hospices, which are residences for patients with terminal cancer or neurological diseases, including amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), Parkinson’s disease, and multiple system atrophy.

Providing nursing and care services
We provide nursing and care services to residents of our hospices, as well as to jointly operated nursing homes. Professional nurses and caregivers are always within easy reach, so even those with serious illnesses can rest reassured that they have support close by.
Business Data
*Aggregate scope of coverage: hospices that CUC Group operates
Number of facilities41
(Figures as of March 2024)
Number of patients 1,733
(Figures as of March 2024)
Number of patients who passed away under end-of-life care1,134
(Cumulative total from April 2023 to March 2024)