Company Information
Company Overview
Basic information about the CUC Group, including a message from the Representative Director and how to access the office.
Board of Directors and Corporate Officers
Meet CUC's directors and executive officers.
Issues in Domestic and International Healthcare
Learn about the social issues we face and our efforts to address them.
History of the CUC Group
A look back at the history of the CUC Group, which has continued to expand both the number of facilities and its business scale since its foundation in 2014.
Business Overview
Business Overview
This page provides an explanation of the overall business and achievements of the CUC Group.
Medical Institution Business
We provide comprehensive support for the management of medical institutions in Japan, and we go beyond management support to also engage in the operation of medical institutions overseas.
Hospice business
We operate hospices for people suffering from terminal cancer and intractable neurological diseases, as well as nursing and care services for patients in the residences.
In-home Nursing business
In order to provide home care regardless of the level of medical dependency, we operate nationwide, focusing on 24/7 nursing stations.
Invester Relations
IR News
IR News