
To “continuously create hope” through healthcare.

As we stand at the threshold of a sustainable society, CUC Group is dedicated to creating value for the future. By working together as a group to solve the challenges facing healthcare, we aim to create hope for patients, healthcare workers, and society as a whole, both in Japan and around the world.

Materiality and Social EngagAnnual Highlightsement :
Identifying Key Sustainability Issues

There are five important themes that we are committed to, in order to Create Hope Through Healthcare. We identify the materiality necessary to realize the management philosophy by comprehensively discussing what is important and the degree to which it is important for society, stakeholders and our company by reference to SASB(※1) and GRI(※2) and other standards. We strive to provide important environmental, social and governance information to society and stakeholders.

※1SASB Standards: Standards for the standardization of non-financial information disclosure led by the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) in 2018. ※2GRI Standard: The international standard established by the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). It is used to report the economic, environmental, and social impact of an organization to the public